Thursday, April 4, 2013


The poem "Choices" by Tess Gallagher is a short but deep poem that can speak for anyone.  From the title alone you can tell that the poem is about making choices.  The choice of doing what you want to do and the choice to do what you feel is the right thing.  As a former NYU student I have had my fair share of interactions with homosexual individuals.  Even one of my good friends was having trouble accepting that part of him in the beginning of his "coming out" phase.  But he then choose to accept that part of who he was.
He was worried that some people wouldn't accept that part of him (me included) but he came to realize that we all accept him for who he is no matter what.  Now everyone isn't as accepting as i am with this topic and I understand that.  They choose to be against it but let me pose a question to you, should we be as accepting as we are of others choices if it's going to hinder someone else's happiness or progression in life?  I know what I think but what do you think?

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